Highway and Bridge Engineering

Image Coming Soon
Henry Herdzik, P.E.
Chief of Highway & Bridge Engineering

​​​​​​ 6100 City Place
50 W. Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614

The Highway and Bridge Engineering Division is responsible for the programming, administration, design, engineering, and construction supervision of capital highway, bridge, and culvert improvement projects; oversees the inspections of bridges, culverts, and retaining walls; manages guiderail design, installation, and inspection; operation and maintenance of the Colonel Patrick O’Rorke Memorial Bridge, and operation and maintenance of the Irondequoit Bay Outlet Bridge (IBOB).

This Division includes two (2) Sections:

Highway and Bridge Engineering Section

The Highway and Bridge Engineering Section is responsible for:

  • Planning, programming, pursuing funding, and administering the design and construction of Captial Improvement highway, bridge, and culvert projects. 
  • Review and coordination of installation and replacement of traffic features (signs, pavement markings, and traffic signal) for City of Rochester street projects.
  • Guiderail and retaining wall design, installation, and inspection.
  • Quadrennial inspection of 192 bridges (116 solely owned and maintained by Monroe County DOT, 60 co-maintained by New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Thruway Authority, CSX, and Kodak, and 16 maintained by other agencies such as Monroe County Airport, Monroe County Parks, and Towns), and 344 major culverts.  This effort yields the annual maintenance list and assists in prioritization of future Capital Improvement projects.

Picture of two traffic lights.

O'Rorke Bridge Operations Section

The O'Rorke Bridge Operations Section operates and maintains the Colonel Patrick O’Rorke Memorial Drawbridge on behalf on New York State DOT in order to move people and goods safely and efficiently over the Genesee River between the City of Rochester and Town of Irondequoit. The bridge operates 24 hours per day, seven days per week, from April 1 through December 15 each year, and with at least 12 hours advance notice at all other times . It is estimated that the bridge is lifted 350 times per year. The lower part of the Genesee River is classified by the U. S. Coast Guard as a navigational channel and federal law requires that the waterway be unobstructed (CFR 117.785).

Picture of two traffic lights.

Other Notable Bridges in Monroe County

Documents & Maps

Picture of two traffic lights.

MCDOT Standard Details & Specifications

Standard Details

Monroe County DOT Standard Details are used to detail work to be constructed within the County Right of Way. The details are used by consultants, developers, contractors, utilities, and homeowners for work on County highways and bridges, and for any other permitted work within the County Right of Way. All details are in English units. The details may be used for preparing permit applications or contract documents for capital improvement and maintenance projects.

View Monroe County DOT Standard Details

Standard Specifications

Monroe County DOT Standard Specifications are used by consultants, developers, contractors, utilities, and homeowners for work to be constructed within the County Right of Way in lieu of similar New York State DOT specifications. The specifications are provided for information and use in preparing contract documents for capital improvement and maintenance projects. All County projects are designed and constructed using English units of measurement. The specifications are all written in English units, unless otherwise noted.

View Monroe County DOT Standard Specifications

Bridge Operation Videos:

Irondequoit Bay Outlet Bridge (IBOB) Operation - November 1, 2022

Picture of two traffic lights.

Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 

As part of Monroe County's responsibility as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Operator, Monroe County DOT has developed, implemented, and enforces a program to ensure that construction sites with total land disturbance equal to or greater than 1 acre are effectively controlled per New York State DEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from MS4s (Permit No. GP-0-24-001). The intent of this program is to prevent pollutants from construction related activities, as well as promote the proper planning and installation of post-construction stormwater management practices (SMPs). Please email ([email protected]) or call (585-753-7700) MCDOT to report any complaints related to construction stormwater activity. Additional resources related to stormwater can be found below:
