Monroe County Planning Board

Meetings, Agendas, & Minutes

The Monroe County Planning Board consists of 15 members: eight citizens appointed by the County Executive, County Legislature and Environmental Management Council, five members of the County Administration, and two County Legislative Representatives.

The Board is charged with reviewing and recommending a six-year capital improvement program (CIP) which outlines the major improvements slated for County facilities (parks, roads, buildings, etc.). The Board also reviews and recommends amendments to the Adopted Capital Improvement Program that involve new projects or significant changes in scope.

The Monroe County Planning Board serves as an advisory board to the Monroe County Executive and the County Legislature.

Specifically, the County's Administrative Code charges the Boardwith the following duties:

  • Review and make recommendations to the County Executive and the County Legislature on all capital projects contained in the Capital Improvement Program prepared by the Department of Planning and Development.
  • Review the Comprehensive Development Plan and submit its recommendations to the County Legislature.
  • Hear appeals from decisions by the Director of Planning and Development regarding land use in accordance with Section C5-4 (A) & (B) of the County Charter.

County Planning Board Membership Requirements

The Board is compromised of citizens and county officials as follows:

  • Three citizens appointed by the County Legislature,
  • Four citizens appointed by the County Executive, representing local planning boards or zoning boards of appeals, and
  • One citizen appointed by the Environmental Management Council;
  • Two voting members from the Legislature,
    • One member from the majority party,
    • One member from the minority party; and
  • Five voting ex officio members
    • The Assistant County Executive,
    • The Director of Public Safety,
    • The Chief of Engineering and Facilities Management,
    • The Deputy County Executive, and
    • The Director of Finance.

Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

The Monroe County Planning Board generally meets monthly and publishes notice of those meetings via a press release, legal notice in Monroe County's papers of record, and on its website.

2024 Planning Board Meeting Notice 

2024 Planning Board Meeting Materials

September 26, 2024 Notice & Agenda
August 22, 2024 Cancellation Notice
July 25, 2024 Cancellation Notice
June 27, 2024 Notice & Agenda
May 23, 2024 Notice & Agenda | Minutes   
April 25, 2024 Notice & Agenda | Minutes   
March 28, 2024 Cancellation Notice 
March 21, 2024 Notice & Agenda | Minutes   
March 14, 2024 Notice & Agenda | Minutes   
March 7, 2024       Notice & Agenda   Minutes                                                                                                   
February 29, 2024       Cancellation Notice                                                                                                       
January 25, 2024       Cancellation Notice                                                                                                       

2023 Planning Board Meeting Materials

December 14, 2023 Cancellation Notice
November 16, 2023 Notice & AgendaMinutes
October 26, 2023 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
September, 28, 2023 Cancellation Notice
August 24, 2023 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
July 27, 2023 Notice & Agenda  | Minutes
June 22, 2023 Notice & Agenda  | Minutes
May 25, 2023 Cancellation Notice 
April 27, 2023 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
March 23, 2023 Cancellation Notice 
March 16, 2023 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
March 9, 2023 Notice & Agenda | Minutes

March 2, 2023

Notice & Agenda | Minutes

February 16, 2023

Notice & Agenda | Minutes                                                                                           

January 26, 2023     

Cancellation Notice  

2022 Planning Board Meeting Materials

December 15, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
November 17, 2022 Notice & Agenda Minutes
October 27, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
September 29, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
August 25, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
July 28, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
June 23, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
May 26, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
April 28, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
March 31, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
March 24, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
March 17, 2022 @ 3 pm

Proposed 2023-2028 Capital Improvement Program Public Hearing

Notice & Agenda | Minutes

March 3, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
February 17, 2022 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
January 27, 2022 Canceled

2021 Planning Board Meeting Materials

December 16, 2021 Canceled
November 18, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
October 28, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
September 30, 2021 Canceled
August 26, 2021 Canceled
July 29, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
June 24, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
May 27, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
April 29, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
March 25, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
March 18, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
Proposed CIP Public Hearing
March 11, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
February 25, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
January 28, 2021 Notice & Agenda | Minutes

2020 Planning Board Meeting Materials

December 17, 2020 Cancellation Notice
November 19, 2020 Cancellation Notice
October 29, 2020 Notice & Agenda  | Minutes
September 24, 2020 Cancellation Notice
August 27, 2020 Cancellation Notice
July 30, 2020 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
June 25, 2020 Cancellation Notice
May 28, 2020 Cancellation Notice
April 30, 2020 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
April 16, 2020 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
April 9, 2020 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
March 12, 2020 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
February 27, 2020 Notice & Agenda | Minutes
February 5, 2020 Notice & Agenda | Minutes

